Welcome to OddDuck Ministries

An apologetics ministry based on Historic Orthodox Faith Tenets, intending to teach about false religions.

Why the name “OddDuck Ministries”?


Have you met Joe and me?

Ha! No, in all seriousness:

First, we are “odd” in our choice of ministry to serve in. We understand the field of apologetics/teaching about false religions isn’t a popular or glamorous field to work in. We know how tough it will be even though this is where God is calling us to serve.

Secondly, and the most important reason, as Christians we are to be the “odd ducks” of the world. We aren’t meant to look like the folks around us. As God’s children, we need to look different, in our lives and habits, to be witnesses and a testimony to God’s glory and redemptive work in our lives.

About Us

Dear Friends,

OddDuck Ministries was born out of a desire to help people learn about the pseudo Christian religions. By beginning with the Historic Orthodox Faith Tenets and then comparing them to a false religion’s doctrine, it is our intention to give people tools to be able to discern for themselves the difference between sound doctrine and false teachings.